About Society Hill Fund

Since 1971, the Society Hill Fund has been a pillar of support for our vibrant community. We act as a bridge between generous donors and impactful projects that enhance the lives of all Society Hill residents.

By facilitating donations and enabling tax deductions, we empower program supporters to make a lasting difference. Whether it’s helping to ensure the safety of our residents, supporting educational programs for our children, or revitalizing our historic streetscapes and parks, we make it easy for you to invest in the future of our beloved neighborhood.

Board of Trustees

Carla McMullan


Margaret Lippincott

Vice President

Joe Dain


Shaun Connolly


Lee Dennis

Board Member

Keri White

Board Member

Frequently Asked Questions

When was Society Hill Fund founded?

The Society Hill Fund was established in 1971 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit compliant with all local, state, and federal laws.

What is the purpose of Society Hill Fund?

The Society Hill Fund exists to invest in the future of our beloved community. We do this by providing financial support for projects and initiatives that benefit all residents and enhance the overall quality of life in our community.

Our focus areas include:

  • Safety: Strengthening community safety through initiatives like neighborhood watch.
  • Education: Supporting educational programs and resources for children and adults.
  • Culture: Fostering a vibrant arts and culture scene.
  • Social and Civic Engagement: Encouraging participation in community activities and decision-making.
  • Beautification: Maintaining our historic streetscapes and green spaces.
  • Green Initiatives: Promoting sustainability and environmental awareness.

By facilitating donations and enabling tax deductions for our supporters, we make it easy for everyone to play a role in shaping a brighter future for our neighborhood.

What projects have you helped?

We are proud to have supported a diverse range of initiatives, each addressing specific needs and enhancing the lives of our residents:

  • Delancey Square Town Watch
  • Franklin Lights
  • McCall School Cyber-Library
  • Washington Square Plantings and Beautification
  • Washington Square Fountain Sculpture
  • Penn’s Village Aging-in-Place Program
  • Anti-Casino Advocacy and Litigation

How can I submit my project for collaboration and funding?

The Society Hill Fund welcomes proposals for projects that align with our mission to enhance the lives of all residents and improve the overall quality of life in Society Hill. We accept applications on a rolling basis throughout the year.

Here’s how to submit your project for consideration:

  1. Prepare your application: Create a project proposal that includes a clear description of your project, its goals, timeline, budget, expected outcomes, and a list of people who will lead the initiative.
  2. Submit your application: Go to our Contact Us page and send us an email expressing your interest in submitting an application for consideration. One of our Board Members will engage with you via email so you can share your application document.

Once we receive your application, our Board of Trustees will review it carefully and consider its alignment with our mission, impact potential, and budget feasibility. If approved, you can begin fundraising under the auspices of the Society Hill Fund.

As a project leader, you will be responsible for:

  • Fundraising: Soliciting donations and managing all fundraising activities.
  • Record-keeping: Maintaining accurate records of all financial transactions.
  • Acknowledgement: Recognizing donors in accordance with agreed-upon practices.
  • Accounting: Maintaining a separate accounting system for project funds.
  • Disbursement requests: Submitting requests for project expenses with proper documentation.

The Board of Trustees will oversee all project activities and ensure compliance with Society Hill Fund, local, state, and federal regulations.

Is the Society Hill Fund affiliated with the Society Hill Civic Association?

No. While both organizations are focused on improving Society Hill, the Society Hill Fund (established in 1971) and the Society Hill Civic Association (established in 1967) are separate and independent entities. With that said, the Society Hill Fund has collaborated in the past with the Society Hill Civic Association on funding for such projects as the Franklin Lights, Washington Square Park improvements, and Anti-Casino advocacy and litigation.

Do you have published bylaws?

Please click the download button to view the latest bylaws for the Society Hill Fund.

Do you have a project that helps build a stronger, more vibrant Society Hill?

Send us an email with your project idea so we can engage with you more directly.